Thursday, April 26, 2018

Free Baby Stuff! (1)


This coming September I am expecting my first child. I am extremely excited to share a few things while preparing to be a first time mom. 

Today I wanted to share some free baby stuff I received so far.

Go to this website and follow the instructions to get a free "Hello Baby Box". It's full of goodies for you and your baby. You get a box stuffed with samples, gift cards, coupons and so on. Definitely get yours!

I contacted them through their website and they were happy to send me a consumer kit with some coupons and samples. For some reason I received 2 of them. You get Kandoo flushable cleansing wipes, Boogie Wipes and Saline Soothers nose wipes.

Go to their website -> Offers -> Belly Badges and choose what kind of badges you would like to receive. It's nice to have them on hand for special days.

4. Target

This one was my favorite so far. You not only get some samples and coupons but also receive two bottles and a pacifier. Just go to your local Target customer service area and ask to register for their baby registry. After that ask for a welcome kit. This is an amazing bag of goodies. 

I hope you found this useful. I have a few stores in mind where I could get more freebies. I will definitely share if I get some more of them.